
news/2024/7/5 5:46:52


(Senior) Member of Technical Staff

Product Development

Who are we?

ST Testing is the first team in Oracle Asia R&D Center Shenzhen. Right now, we have about

172 people, all of them are graduated from the top universities in China. We always believe that an excellent team is the basis of success. ST Testing is also a young team, most of the team members are between 24 and 30. They are all smart, energic and easy-going. Cooperation and teamwork are most cherished in our group.

What are we doing?

Oracle Database Server is Oracle’s key product. And our team is responsible for improving the functionality and stability of Oracle Database in Windows platform by integrating and testing various database components. Our primary goal is to program and configure these components to ensure the correct functionality and optimal performance from the individual APIs to the integrated solutions. By covering such a broad spectrum, our group is in a unique strategic position to gain first user experience of the entire stack of the latest Oracle technologies.

What can you get from this job?

From this job, you can get an opportunity to get a closer look at Oracle’s core technologies. During the process of testing, you can get valuable first hand experience about Oracle DB. And this position also makes it possible for you to learn Oracle technologies from both the large and the small. Yes, we are testing, but we are also creating and developing.


What do we expect from you?

1. BS or MS in computer Science, related working experience is a plus

2. Good knowledge of RDBMS and SQL, experience with Oracle database and

3. PL/SQL is a plus

4. Strong programming skill in C# ,VB,C++

5. Working experience with Windows platform

6. Good English communication skill, especially in listening and spoken


1. Excellent analytical skill and able to learn new technologies quickly

2. Self-motivated and good team player

Contact person:



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